The SpringVerify and Recruitee integration brings you all the tools you need to hire the best people, in one place

Bring your hiring teams together, boost your sourcing, automate your hiring, and evaluate candidates effectively

Gain thorough insights through our comprehensive DIN Verifications.

Make the most of SpringVerify X Recruitee

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1500+ companies trust SpringVerify for Background Verification

Join us and find out why 

Easy to use SpringVerify portal 

Initiate verification, get quick updates, detailed candidate reports, and manage payments, all on the same portal.

Organize your recruitment process

No more hassle scheduling interviews and involving your hiring team. With Recruitee’s scheduler, interview templates, notes, and mentions your recruitment will be more efficient.

Automated Sync

No more hopping around multiple dashboards to update employee information. Just update it on Recruitee, and the data will automatically sync with SpringVerify.

Designed with custom-built solutions to ensure safe and secure hiring

Fully Automate Background Verification

From collecting candidate details/documents, following up in case of delays, verifying the background and sharing the final report, SpringVerify takes care of all your candidate verification needs end-to-end with little/no intervention from your end.

Make time for those important tasks that really need your expertise

Save 64% time, up to 12 hours a week with automated actions throughout your workflow and templates for recurring tasks.

Designed with custom-built solutions to ensure safe and secure hiring
Designed with custom-built solutions to ensure safe and secure hiring

Keep all your employee data in one place

Sync SpringVerify and Recruitee once and never worry about updating employee data. Get the latest information about your employees synced in real-time.

Make the most of SpringVerify X Recruitee

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